work farm造句

"work farm"是什么意思   


  1. Terrance has always been a hard - working farmer . that just seems to be his lot in life
  2. What kind of wife do you think would be best for me as a thrifty hard - working farmer
    “我既然将来要做一个勤劳俭朴的农场主,那你觉得我最好娶一个什么样的姑娘做妻子呢? ”
  3. Even though the number of working farms is declining , michigan is still one of the nation ' s leading agricultural states
  4. People for the ethical treatment of animals , which in the past has been critical because presidential turkeys have been sent to a working farm rather than an animal sanctuary , praised the decision to send them to disneyland
  5. It's difficult to find work farm in a sentence. 用work farm造句挺难的


  1. "work extent"造句
  2. "work extra"造句
  3. "work extra shifts"造句
  4. "work factor"造句
  5. "work fare"造句
  6. "work feed"造句
  7. "work field"造句
  8. "work file"造句
  9. "work first"造句
  10. "work flat out"造句

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